Interacting with this blog

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Links to this page
  • On Christianity

    It is well worth stating that I do call myself a Christian. I say that with caution because I know there still can be some negative perceptions this can incite that could have negatively consequences for me. However, all things considered I am not ashamed of what I believe and ultimately I do think that what I believe helps me towards living a fulfilling life as well as with coping in tough times and that at least some aspects of what I post in this folder may be of help to others - potentially greatly of help. Also, I value refining my beliefs and being open to comments here (again, really please see Interacting with this blog 🙂) so please do feel free to make comments, either publicly or if you just want me to see the comment you can create a private Hypothesis group and add me.

    This folder will include some collected thoughts of mine on Christianity, ideas about God and related questions I am wrestling with. Please don’t take the fact that this is publicly available to mean that I think I have “all the answers”, I certainly don’t. I do however value the potential discussion and interaction this may bring which I imagine may most often occur by me directly sharing specific pages with people that I discuss these topics with in ‘real life’. But also I would value interactions on this site and invite comments, please see Interacting with this blog.

  • Mātauranga Māori

    I’ll add to this page in time. To be clear though, I’m not going to be anywhere close to an expert and please don’t take that I am putting my summaries and thoughts up here to mean anything other than: I’m on a journey and am interested in learning, improving my understandings and how I may act going forward. To engage with me, I’m experimenting with, please see Interacting with this blog.

  • Decolonising Methodologies

    If you are knowledgable about this and want to add to the conversation right here on this site, please feel free to annotate this page (see Interacting with this blog).