Experimental feature
Interacting with this blog
On Christianity
Christian Universalism
Mātauranga Māori
Formal Methods and Blockchain
Blockchain-related definitions
Consensus Protocol
ERC-20 tokens
Smart Contracts
Formal verification and the top 10 crypto-tokens
Interesting formal methods and/or blockchain projects
Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 1 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 2 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 3 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 4 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Linux (General)
Linux alternatives to some macOS programs
Rsync backup on linux
Nix and NixOS
Advantages of NixOS
Annoying quirks of NixOS
Nix (the purely functional package manager)
Switching from macOS to NixOS (Talk, Auckland Meetup)
Switching from macOS to NixOS (Talk, Sweden Meetup)
Trying NixOS
Windows in VirtualBox on NixOS
Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, research and practice (book)
Decolonising Methodologies
Wai 262
Advantages of NixOS
Annoying quirks of NixOS
Blockchain-related definitions
Christian Universalism
Consensus Protocol
Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, research and practice (book)
Decolonising Methodologies
ERC-20 tokens
Formal Methods and Blockchain
Formal verification and the top 10 crypto-tokens
Interacting with this blog
Interesting formal methods and/or blockchain projects
Linux (General)
Linux alternatives to some macOS programs
Mātauranga Māori
Nix (the purely functional package manager)
Nix and NixOS
On Christianity
Plutus Pioneer Program
Rsync backup on linux
Smart Contracts
Switching from macOS to NixOS (Talk, Auckland Meetup)
Switching from macOS to NixOS (Talk, Sweden Meetup)
Trying NixOS
Wai 262
Week 1 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 2 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 3 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Week 4 - Plutus Pioneer Program
Windows in VirtualBox on NixOS