
Track your proximity to COVID-19

Scan someone’s QR code to handshake. Handshakes between anonymous ids are recorded publicly.

Create your anonymous id:

Email (optional):
Handshake Password:
Click here for tips on generating a QR code without using your email address
Click here to generate a QR code for a location instead

View your proximity to cases of COVID-19
Submit your own health status
Share Handshake with others

How this works:

Your email address and password are combined then 'hashed' to form a unique id.

This is done in your browser, your email address in plain text never leaves your phone or computer. (If you prefer not to use your email address at all, you can).

Due to this you do not and cannot receive email notifications from submitting your email address on this page.

Assuming you used a strong unique password, it is virtually impossible to go from the hash alone back to your email address.

However, people still may be able to reidentify you, especially those who know your whereabouts or people you handshake with.

This is Open Source and so you can check the source code or "View Source" in your browser as it is only HTML and Javascript.

No guarantee of privacy, accuracy of information or any guarantee whatsoever is provided.

See the public record (raw data):

Handshakes Google Spreadsheet
Status Reports Google Spreadsheet

If you want to get involved:

Report an issue on GitHub (publicly)
Get involved on GitHub
Send an email to get.involved.handshake@gmail.com